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Shipping by weight - multiple items problem

Started by Tikkiro, May 22, 2012, 16:58:05 PM

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I did search on this but either wasn't using the right keywords or few others have had the problem yet I can't see where I'm going wrong with it.

I sell handmade cards and have varying postage per weight which is particularly important on boxed ones.

I have set the weight for the boxed at 90-99 grams & the Large 2nd class boxed at 100-200 grams but if I then buy 2 boxed cards instead of getting 2 x £1.58 which is the cost for posting a single box, instead I'm offered just the much lower Large 2nd weight price at £1.10 which appears that VM is instead adding the 2 weights together & giving me the price of that :(.

The system I'm using worked perfectly in the previous version of VM but since I upgraded to 2.0.6 the shipping has been a pain to fix to say the least which is frustrating as answers aren't always forthcoming here on the site.

Anyone else had this problem or can point me in the right direction to try fixing it?


Same problem here man.
But no response from the developers..
Have you find a solution ?
That would be great! Internet Solutions
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