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MatchRate Plus

Started by chinchillables, May 24, 2012, 05:17:19 AM

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I noticed everyone mentioning different processors, but I didn't see this one listed so figured I'd give notice. I'm not sure if it works with you all's setup, but if not it really needs to.

Anyways, the company is named MatchRatePlus, which is a direct affiliate with American BANCARD (A+ rating in the BBB, etc.) and is very credible. What's special about them is not only that they will match any rate of any competitor (if you provide proof of the offer you receive), but they will also refund you up to 25% of your processing fees at the end of each month.

When I first heard of them, it was through a friend a couple months ago and they were giving free POS terminals for qualifying businesses, which they may or may not still be doing.

Anyways, you have to be referred to them in order to join, as they are a word-of-mouth business, mainly through other users of the business, but you can just use the username "current" and it will allow you access.

You can sign up as an agent (if you know of any other business owners that would love better rates and to basically be only paying 75% of what they normally do monthly/yearly/etc.) from this url:

or if you want to join as a business and start using them as a payment processor, you can do that from here:  (for agent id, just put the word "current" without the quotes.)

my friend said he joined as an agent first and signed his own business up under his agent id so he gets the matched rate, 25% back, and also the commissions for each transaction. The commission is very minimal, but it is on every transaction made in which you earn a % of the processing fees, so it's a win/win scenario considering it doesn't cost anything to join.

Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you all, as if you actually treat the business in itself as a business and refer other companies, you can have a serious residual income generated. My friend, for example, goes to all the smalltime local shops in areas close to them and signs them up and I believe he has some well known auto parts store signed under him too. But anyways, that's that. Hope that helps someone.