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Product Order Settings - Creation Date is broken

Started by woonydanny, January 26, 2012, 07:19:52 AM

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I want the products to be sorted by latest added products. So in the configuration I have set the Product Order Settings to be that the Creation Date is the Default Product Sort Order.

I have also added Creation Date as an Available Search Field.

However, this option is broken. When you have Creation Date selected, no products display at all. The drop down for Creation Date has a missing language string as well.

Please fix.


Same here.
Joomla 1.7.3
VM 2.0.2

VM Team, is this a known issue or not?


Please help, I face the same problem as well, I wish I can sort my products as Creation Date.
Thanks in advance~


Hi, check this thread:
or upgrade to latest version 2.0.3_J ..., case created_on is implemented in the new versions, but it´s still ascending ordering which is not the default use for creation_date ...

however, check this thread too:

bet regards



yes, case: created_on is fixed since VM 2.0.3_J but its still in ascending order and that is senseless for creation_date ...
however, regards slam