Last four digits of credit card nor payment method in email confirmation.

Started by swilkerson, April 14, 2012, 22:56:32 PM

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We've purchased the offline credit card extension which works with exception to a couple issues. The vendor confirmation email does not include the balance of the card numbers therefore the card cannot be processed offline. As well, the confirmation emails do not indicate what type of payment they made, whether it's PayPal, Credit Card, or Check/Money Order.

I have tried to find the solution within the forum but have not been able to locate a solution. Perhaps I've missed something, and if so, I apologize in advance. This has been a long process to finally get the cart to function enough to go live, with exception to this immediate issue (last four digits are not being emailed.). I appreciate your help on this. Much thanks!

Joomla 1.7.3
VM 2.0.4
PHP: 5.2.17


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