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Best way to go? Shipment Plugin or Multivendor?

Started by seagul, January 09, 2012, 11:31:37 AM

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Hi there,

I am rather new to virtuemart and I am setting up a shop where two admins are selling their products -> so far a standard installation (Joomla 1.7, VM 2.0). I could perfectly do this.
However, they have different Shipping rates (based on weight, zip and country), as they are from two different countries.

The shop is not Mulitvendor (as it is not needed) but with the two different manufacturers for the products.

I know that I (or someone else) will have to do some coding but what is the better/easier/faster way to go:

  • Stay with VM 2.0 and code a new Shipment Module based like the standard module (weight, Zip, countries) but also based on manufacturer?
    However, then the caculation has to been done on the order lines based on the weight - not on the total weight of the order. This is because someone can order from both manufacturers at the same time.
    Can this be coded only within the shipment plugin or only in the core (which I don't want)?
  • Start with the old version 1.1.x - and setup there a multivendor site? Is a multivendor site in 1.1.x possible to handle orders and the shipment cost for more then one vendor?
  • Or is there any other way to go?

Thanks for any hints!!!!


I have a similar issue and need for multi-shipping locations depending on vendor location. Is this addresses in Multi-vendor or is another solution required.

The initial post was in Jan 2012 -- does anyone answer these?

All areas of discussion on multi-vendor functions provide solutions that are vague.


I know the answers appear vague, however-

On a broader scale VM - is trying to develop a multi vendor - maybe up to 20 plus on a shop.
* this could be emails, shipping etc - just imagine the issues related to shipping form one place to another for 20 plus sellers.
* Its not that your thought are not being looked at it is really a "request for developement " on your behalf.

* the multi vendor is being developed and there are lots of people trying very hard to think and write lots options -
* in a store on one sale there might only be one sale , one payment , one postage,  (3) , with two persons , it increases to (6) and so on 3 (9),  4(12) . Imagine the process of just
4 products - and the variations of increase - combinations of  from one store,

* two people working on a store is mutual - a few more require some different social engineering and support coding -template issues - positions etc -

* just for now you may not find exactly what you want - this is still in the development stage -    When?


John, people wanting multi-vendor to be developed were asked by Milbo (lead VM developer) to join a task force to speed up the process of getting it going. I'm not sure if anyone actually volunteered for it......

There may be some news next month on this, as it is being set up for
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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