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Multiple taxes on shipping - calculation error

Started by Khaostar, March 30, 2016, 21:29:23 PM

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Really weird problem here. I'm setting a Quebec / Canada shop. So I need to add 2 taxes on my products and shipping method. Everything is set in the taxes and calculation rules (see first image).

The taxes are :
+ 5.0000% tax on bill
+ 9.9750% tax on bill

The problem is, in the cart, the rules are not applied as they should on the shipping.

Exemple :
- I have a shipping method that cost 5.00$.
- 5.00 + taxes should be exactly 5.75$  -- (5% of 5.00$ = 0,25$ ; 9.975% of 5.00$ = 0,75$ ; 5.00 + 0,25 + 0,5 = 5,75$)
- In the cart, I got 5,38$

You can see the images for referances.

It seems that instead of applying the 2 taxes one after the other, it does the average of the 2 taxes mixed together : (0,25+0,5)/2 = 0,375 ... so it give me 5,38 instead of 5,75.

Does anyone has an idea of what is happening? that's really weird!


I'm using Joomla 3,5 and Virtuemart 3,0,14


Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.



Thanks! I fugured out that the problem is caused by a shipment plugin that is not configurable for my need. If I use the default shipment plugin from VirtueMart, everything work. I'll contact the plugin author.
