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PayPal Return to site and update user access

Started by tcuttrissweb, March 08, 2012, 18:41:34 PM

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For our site we are looking to have users pay for a members only area. When they add the product to their cart, click checkout and are taken to paypal to pay all is fine. However after the payment is made, 2 things need to happen.

1) They need to be automatically returned to the website
2) Upon return to the site, they receive the thank you for your order page which is fine, but I need a way to update their Joomla access to a preconfigured value so as to allow them access to the restricted content they've now paid for.



Quote1) They need to be automatically returned to the website
This is a  parameter that you have to set in your paypal profile account.



My question I guess is where? As Vrituemart seems to have its own custom programmed interaction with PayPal, my PP account doesn't have a Website Payments Standard or Pro setup. Normally that is where you'd setup the return URL and actions to take no?

Thanks again for your help.



I meant in your Paypal account, not in Virtuemart.
I don't know exactly where.


Yeah that's where I'm having an issue. Because virtuemart seems to have some independant programming configured for it's interaction with your PayPal account, it doesn't use PayPal's Website Payments (Standard or Pro) for this it seems. And that is where you would go to set that return url up. Those tools help you configure a specific payment button for your site that perfoms its own independant functions when clicked and processed.

What I need to accomplish here is to have the system accept a payment for a subscription purchased through the virtuemart store on our site, process that payment, and then grant them the access they need to the restricted sections of our site this subscription service enables.

Likewise, another product we are offering is a downloadable. As VM2 doesn't offer downloadable product support at this time, I need to develop my own. That's again where this control comes in. I need to bring store customers to a custom page on our site that processes everything.

In short:

  • Did the payment succeed?

    • Yup - good check the product id and if it's a downloadable, give them the link, if its a subscription - enable access, if it's anything else, just say thanks for your purchase and blah blah blah
    • Nope - if they cancelled inquire why (short survey I'll create), if there was an error log it and inform them something went wrong
So essentially I need to redirect them after their payment has been processed to an internal processing page that I need to code up. All this because VM2 lacks these features. Otherwise, it's pretty damn good in my opinion.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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That would be sweet. If it were no a paid plugin, and more importantly if it supported Joomla 2.5.