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install (?) error

Started by rrijken1973, March 07, 2012, 03:41:53 AM

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Have a complete new install of Joomla 2.5.2 and tried to install Virtuemart 2.0.2. Tried the automatic install but it gives me a 500 server error so tried the manual way. Uploaded the core package to the server and did:


Virtuemart control panel shows but a red bar under the titlebar:

Error loading component: com_virtuemart, 1

Have not installed the other package yet (how the manual way?)

The Virtuemart control panel shows there is a new version available though (2.0.2), so which did I download? Clicking it gives me the following errors after some time:

        Error loading component: com_virtuemart, 1
        Error loading component: com_virtuemart, 1
        JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response
        Unable to create destination
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
        Error loading component: com_virtuemart, 1

Help is appreciated!


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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