Problem with "product description" code format editing/midification

Started by DH, May 05, 2012, 07:16:21 AM

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I got a problem here, every time while I would like to change to format of my product description and after save, it turn back without format, what's going wrong!!! Attached I'll the details.

I've also tried "toggle editor" and it doesnt work, i am using a "Administrator" to create and edit the products, only problem here, all ther other is ok. However, When I use the "super user" to do this modification, it works! What the hell????????

I´m using VM 2.0.6 on Joomla 2.5.4.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
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Hi DH,

I have seen this if you copy and paste in Joomla.  If you typed all of it then you might need to install a different JCE - editor in Joomla and use
it - That way you might be able to chnge the format and it will hold on save.

Try that and change the editor in Joomla configuartion and then try. The editor will be free


go to "global configuration"   and look at the "text filters"

if not that, it will be the editor settings


thank you,guys.
1).  I've tried the JCE, Codemirror, TinyMCE and editor-none, but problem remains. I guess it's nothing to do with the editor itself, because whether I type in editor mode or coding mode---just after clicking on the "Save" or "Save and Close", every format gone and all the wordings & paragraph are initiated as like no html format. Strong fonts failed, <li> list failed...
2). Checked the text filter type settings, it's an "adaministrator" user with "no filtering" that same as the "super user" I use.
3). I tried both in Chrome and Firefox, and on two computers.
4). Super user ok, adaministrator NOT ok. It must be some problem with the Joomla or VM configuration, or the related plugins or something...So weired!

PHP v5.3.1          |  Apache v2.2.41
MySQL v5.1.41   |  XAMPP 1.7.3
phpMyAdmin v3.2.4
Windows 7 SP1 Professional


been a while but I remember that in some of the old joomla setting to hold a format you had to turn off all editors and then paste.
We had to do that on trying to embed youtube.


After a few more discovery, the answer should be very obviously clear soon. I realized that when I set the target user to be "super user", everything works fine then. No matter I sift it to be Administrator or Manager and set the permission of create/edit/delete/edit status, doesn't work.

So, suppose VM sets it only allowed the super user to change the contents coded allowed format--in the product description field, but how should I find this configeration/option?
PHP v5.3.1          |  Apache v2.2.41
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phpMyAdmin v3.2.4
Windows 7 SP1 Professional