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Backend State Dropdown not working

Started by Neocold, April 24, 2012, 23:24:42 PM

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I am running:
VirtueMart 2.0.6
Joomla 2.5.4

I have enabled:
Using the Virtuemart jQuery
Using the product Scripts
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions

When I go to add a tax rule or go to Shop>Additional Information and try to select a State nothing shows up.  Typing in either the 2 code, 3 code, or full name does not work either.  I am using United States and California is what I need, it is already in the States database table.

I have tried uninstall and reinstall.  I even wiped the website and tried again and it still did not work.

Screen Shots attached.

If needed I can supply the mods here with a admin login.

Thank You

[attachment cleanup by admin]


You might check this post and see if the solution provided works for you. It did not work for me but worth a try.



Thank You for your attempt to help.  Unfortunately my problem is in the Administrator Backend.


I was able to kinda do a work around, though certainly not convenient.

I went into my MySQL database to the "virtuemart_calc_states" table and manually added a record for my tax rule.  This causes it to register properly when purchasing items now.

However, when I go into the tax rule in the Administrator Backend it still does not show the state in the dropdown.  This makes me think that the wrong database is coded in whichever php file is loaded to render the tax rule page.  I have looked for it but can not find it....

VirtueMart programers, wana look into this issue?  Anyone know what file it is?
