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Sure its a bug. virtuemart admin wont show - got same error in your demo!!

Started by maz007, April 25, 2008, 11:34:35 AM

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Upgraded from 1.0.15 to v1.1 on a joomla 1.5 site. Admin just wouldn't show properly. So I deleted the whole thing. Then did a fresh install. Again exactly the same problem:

The remaining joomla 1.5 admin works fine.
When I select virtuemart component, the top joomla admin navigation bar disappears, for a very brief moment i can see the virtuemart admin page filled with the product list, then this disappears and I see virtually a blank page with the joomla icons at the top:  add atribute,list prices,add products etc. (However there is NO joomla admin navigation bar). (seems to me the admin is in permanent virtuemart 'extended view')

There is also a javascript error on the page which says: 
Error: 'document.adminForm.boxchecked' is null or not an object
URL: mysite/administrator/index2.php?option=com_virtuemart

SO I again removed virtuemart1.1, and then checked the database for any traces... in other words made sure every reference to virtuemart1.1 was deleted, checked all folders too... then did a fresh install and again same problem.

Instaled the older version 1.0.15 and that works fine. So whats wrong with the new version?  Any help would be appreciated.


This time I think I found the problem.... but cannot find the solution.

In virtuemart 1.1 admin You can click the virtuemart 'extended layout' view and it shows. Then the whole admin disappaears when you try to revert to 'simple layout' view.  I have to completely uninstall it, then upload the older version of virtuemart(1.1.0RC2), THEN change the state from 'extended layout' to simple layout' then UNINSTALL that virtuemart, then install the 1.1 version again. A real pain!

OK, rather than me re-installing virtuemart again, where in the database ( or which config file) can I change this. Which table contains the 'layout view' configuration? I think this is a bug so i will change this in the database and avoid changing it.



I really think this is a bug.


In your virtuemart demo site Go to admin. CLick on 'extended layout' THEN CLICK 'BACK TO JOOMLA ADMINISTRATION' . Note how the page opens but omits the virtuemart admin and has NO navigation menus.  THIS IS THE EXACT ERROR I AM GETTING -(with the addition that it is happening to simple layout view links too). Its this problem on my site which is causing me to REINSTALL virtuemart every time as described above. But even re-installing it doesnt work, I have to do what i have described in the last post. A real headache!

The fact that the page displays for a second and then goes wrong, suggests it could be a virtuemart template problem, could be unclosed table tags or something... dont really know.

Please help!!


The demo site is running in Legacy mode on J!1.5 - I think in order to use an addon to prevent the Joomla setup being modified.

Are you also using Legacy mode? And which browser?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Yes I am using legacy mode J!1.5.2, as I also have other components (e.g.fireboard forum) that need it. Also using internet explorer. If there's no solution to my problem, can you please tell me how I can revert back to 'simple layout view' if i accidently click the 'extended view' in the future. Is the setting in the config file, or a flag in the database (which table?)? Guess I wil have to live with this problem for a while.



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


pasted "&vmLayout=standard" at the end of the url and

HOLY COW, there's my stuff!

Thanks Kelvyn!
I use Virtue Mart 1.1.3 & Joomla 1.5.10


Another find: if using Firefox with Firebug there can be issues with admin, so disable Firebug for your own admin area.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks for the link

I just had an experience with this "redirect to nowhere" problem too.

1. From Normal view I select Extended Layout (somewhere - I'm still learning)
2. In Extended Layout, I went to Products - View Inventory - Product Status - typed a stock level number - Save.

Got a message of some sort, something happened. The screen froze. Logged in again, and when I hit the Component - VirtueMart. I only get to see the control panel for a tiny second, and then it get redirected to a page with nothing.

Adding /administrator/index2.php?option=com_virtuemart&vmLayout=standard after the site name did the trick.

Now looking for a sort of undo thingy for that Extended View .. somewhere.. I only have had half an hour with this interesting component, and have a lot to learn.

- Joomla 1.5.1
- IE 6

A way to reproduce.

1. Joomla Admin - Components - VirtueMart
2. Extended View
3. Type url and log into joomla again (leaving Extended view)
4. Repeat step 1.
5. Result=
and nothing on screen.

Do url


I had the same problem. Thanks a lot for this post and solvation. All works now.


Great  ;)
Thanks a lot  :)
I have get the same problem and now have clear because of your sugesstion  ;D


I have the same problem with a new installation todag with joomla 1.5.7 and VM 1.5.7
Does anybody have a permanent fix or can tell me how to remove the extended layout link, so the other administrators does´nt get this problem

dearest jan


How to remove extended layout without codebreaking.

Remove it from the language file!

1. find file /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/common/english.php (or a nother language)
2. remove "extended menu" i line 818.
and upload the file to the server.



I've passed for these errors sometimes, until I've seen no other way, but going to and pay a freelancer to solve it, I've spent $10 bucks and got my fix.

One of the ways to fix it is documented here :

If you want to contribute and help me to pay the guy who helped you, please donate one or 2 bucks on the beginning or the end of the article, there is a donate button ;-)

Hope that helps