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Started by JTB, March 12, 2010, 12:06:54 PM

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Hello everyone!

I have been looking for a few days now (a LOT of google!) for a cart system which has modules created for the credit card pay system Redunicre ( I have had no luck finding a system, so I thought I might as well ask the community. VirtueMart is the system we are most interested in, as the fact that it works with Joomla! is the top reason.

Is there any Redunicre payment module for VirtueMart?? Maybe I missed it somewhere. Or maybe the module is called something else but works for Redunicre?

I hope you can help!



Hi JTB & all, I have the same problem & am looking for an INTEGRATION module for Virtuemart/Redunicre 3DS.
Can any one please help.
I have also searched high & low, no joy! so far.

contact me at & Email me.