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Shipping price is high

Started by cinr11, February 18, 2010, 01:10:08 AM

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Ok My UPS module is finally working. My question is the shipping price seems 2.00 more than my other companies that sell the same products. Is there a way to lower it?  10.48 shipping seems kind of high for a purchase of 2.25



Did you apply fees for packaging or delivery? Make sure you don't if you did. Also might want to search the forums for UPSv2


Hmmm not sure, where would I find that? Maybe its checked off.
Also, UPSv2 is that very much involved? Isnt' that to add more than one vendor's zip code? 

Thank you for responding


Find handling fee in "Shipping Module List" -> select the shipping module to configure (UPS in your case).

UPSv2 does a lot of different things. Search the forum and read the main post by the developer.


I didnt see anything for packaging and delivery. The only thing I see is Handling and i left that blank. Is that what you mean? I don't see the 2 that you are talking about. I looked in the UPS module configuration and that is is the only thing that would have the fee. is that right??


Ya that's it for that mod, sorry. It's UPSv2 that has these other options.

One other thing, you are live with UPS, correct? Not on the UPS testing server?


no am on the production side (i think) how can I make it live? i think that could be it..;o)


That would be it. You are not getting accurate quotes on the dev site... it's just for dev purposes, and obviously that is working for you.

To go live you have to get a production key from UPS under your/or the clients UPS account. Login at UPS and look around. You'll find it eventually.