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Canadian Beanstream Payment Module

Started by mjel, November 18, 2009, 15:06:11 PM

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RE: the original post: - i believe that virtuemart must has changed file structure of it language files over the years - as the instruction say to paste several lines of code in english.php in the language folder of /administratopr/components_com_virtuemart/ ------- as stated below:

QuoteRe: Canadian experience with payment processors?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2006, 05:20:17 am »
   Reply with quote
OK was wanting to get all the extra processing options (verified by visa) built but haven't had time to get that done yet. That said here's a basic processor that works well without.

Unzip the attached php files to adminsitrator/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/   

Then in administrator/com_virtuemart/languages/english.php add the following code:

// Beanstream Processor Text Strings
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_ENABLE_BEANSTREAM_TESTMODE_EXPLAIN = 'Select \'Yes\' while testing. Select \'No\' for enabling live transactions. Must match the setting set in the Beanstrem admin area.';
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_BEANSTREAM_USERNAME = 'Beanstream Merchant ID:';
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_BEANSTREAM_USERNAME_EXPLAIN = 'This is your Beanstream acount id.';
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_BEANSTREAM_KEY = 'Click to set secure transaction key:';
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_BEANSTREAM_KEY_EXPLAIN = 'This is your Beanstream Transaction Key for signing encrypted communications. It needs to be set in the Beanstream admin area too. Set it nothing to not use the transaction key';
   var $_PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_BEANSTREAM_KEY_EXPLAIN2 = 'This is your Beanstream Transaction Key for signing encrypted communications';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_RECURRING = 'Use recurring billing:';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_RECURRING_TOOLTIP = 'Define wether you want recurring billings.';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_VERIFIED_BY_VISA = 'Enable Verified by Visa:';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_VERIFIED_BY_VISA_TOOLTIP = 'NOT YET BUILT. Use the Verified by Visa checking.';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_VALIDATE_YESNO = 'Use username/password validation against transaction:';
   var $_PHPSHOP_PAYMENT_BS_VALIDATE_YESNO_TOOLTIP = 'Use username/password validation against transaction. Must be enabled in the Beanstring admin area.';
   //end Beanstream Processor Text Strings

Add it to line 1480 just after the line

var $_VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELDS_LBL_TIP = 'Choose the "Sort-by" fields for the browse page. Each one defines a sort method for the product browse page. If you deselect all, the Order-By-Form will not be shown.';

Then in Virtuemart create a new payment processor and make sure to fill in the following values:
Code: BS
Payment class name: ps_beanstream
Payment method type: credit card
And fill in the information under the configuration tab

Now the language folder has many sub folders (ie sub-language files rather that what appeared to be one back in 2006 --

can anyone update me on the instruction on how to get beanstream payment module working -- i put the .php and cfg.php files mentioned in the instruction and attached to that original post -- into the classes/payment/ folder - but no parameters at the virutemart backend for that payment type ps_beanstream -- so i am sure that language files inclusions are not in the right place.

surely there are other canadians looking for a solution - where are you?


I am having a problem locating the English.php file in relation to this. I am having the same problem!!!
I promise to post any solution I find as soon as I can.


Quote from: westvandal on December 10, 2009, 21:08:34 PM
I am having a problem locating the English.php file

but it is kind of a moot point right now as that implementation is not working 100%... yet ;-)


I have re-written a Beanstream Payment Method based on the built-in PayPal module...

if you are interested: