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Bug Report - Products not showing up.

Started by PromoNet, December 22, 2009, 12:09:37 PM

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Ok I have now tried to import products into several site with vanilla installations of virtuemart / joomla / csvi

As far as I can see this is not an issue with joomla or csvi.

Products do not appear in the categories when they are imported. I have just over 11k products with none appearing at all.

you can see one site here:

and the vanilla installation here:

I'm going to drop back to VM 1.1.3 on promofox to see if it alters the issue
Virtuemart for the Promotional Products Industry: (ProMart)


I have had Roland at taking a look at the sites and doing some testing.

his comments:

"I had a look and did some testing, invariably at 3 or 4 products it comes up with a white screen. The errorlog doesn't have anything either. Other short than doing a full debug on the VirtueMart code I have no idea what is happening. Maybe other people on the VirtueMart forum have ideas or same experiences."
Virtuemart for the Promotional Products Industry: (ProMart)


I think I can rule out template errors on this so I am going to start work on the site design while I wait
Virtuemart for the Promotional Products Industry: (ProMart)


I can confirm that this error is not present in VM 1.1.13
Virtuemart for the Promotional Products Industry: (ProMart)