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[FIXED] Bug in class/ps_product.php

Started by doorknob, July 13, 2008, 03:19:13 AM

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Lines 2557 & 2570 of ps_product.php have been recently updated to include product_in_stock but they still don't include product_url which will be required to fix the bug on line 2695 which loads the product_name into the product_url variable
                $featured_products[$i]['product_url'] = $db->f("product_name");

should be
                $featured_products[$i]['product_url'] = $db->f("product_url");
but will require that update to lines 2557 & 2570.

While you're there, how about adding product_full_image, which I use on my browse page (for a custom js rollover). I'm sure many others already make the same mod or would use it, if available.


