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New payment gateway module - ICS access

Started by draden, July 16, 2005, 06:33:45 AM

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I must start by giving all the credit to the great tech and development staff at ICS Access. If you use them as your payment gateway, please read this and use this module. It works great!

content of this tutorial and files supplied by

Mambo with phpShop component.

The phpShop component can be downloaded from.
Here you will have instructions on how to install it with mambo.

After the phpShop component is install do the following.

Take these 2 files and put them in the directory "administrator/components/com_phpshop/classes/payment/"


login to the admin section of mambo.
go to components - mambo-phpShop
click on List Payment Methods
go to Store - Add Payment Method
for "Payment Method Name:" put what you would like there. e.g.( Credit Card )
for "Code:" put ICS
for "Payment class name" put ps_icsaccess
for Payment method type select "Use Payment Processor"
check the Accepted Credit Card Types.

Then save it.

Select the name you created from the Payment Method List.
click on configuration
add your storeid.
put Test Mode as Yes.

You can now try a test transaction.
If the transaction completes ok change the Test Mode to no.
You are now ready to process transactions

[attachment deleted by admin]