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[BUG] Rev 1422 translated and missing string in order edit

Started by korb, June 17, 2008, 15:07:40 PM

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I have translated VM edit order to romanian in common file, but the strings are not shown.

'VM_ORDER_EDIT' => 'Modifica comanda',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_ADD' => 'Adauga',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT' => 'Adauga produs',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_EDIT_ORDER' => 'Modifica comanda',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_ERROR_QUANTITY_MUST_BE_HIGHER_THAN_0' => 'Cantitatea trebuie sa fie mai mare ca 0(zero)',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_PRODUCT_ADDED' => 'Produsul a fost adaugat cu succes la comanda',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_PRODUCT_DELETED' => 'Produsul a fost sters cu succes din comanda',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_QUANTITY_UPDATED' => 'Cantitatea actualizata cu succes',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_RETURN_PARENTS' => 'Inapoi la produsul ,,parinte"',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_CHOOSE_PRODUCT' => 'Alegeti un produs',

'VM_ORDER_EDIT' => 'Modify Order',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT' => 'Add product',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_EDIT_ORDER' => 'Modify order',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_ERROR_QUANTITY_MUST_BE_HIGHER_THAN_0' => 'The quantity has to be more than 0',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_PRODUCT_ADDED' => 'Product successfully added to the order',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_PRODUCT_DELETED' => 'Product successfully removed from the order',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_QUANTITY_UPDATED' => 'Quantity successfully updated',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_RETURN_PARENTS' => 'Back to the parent product',
'VM_ORDER_EDIT_CHOOSE_PRODUCT' => 'Choose a product',

Both english and romanian are stated 'CHARSET' => 'ISO-8859-1', and UTF-8 encoding. What is the matter?

See picture below

[attachment cleanup by admin]



French works... I don't understand. My comon lang file has exactly same encoding like english, no coma missing...