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Missing Credit Card info and template issue

Started by iamalive, April 22, 2008, 21:26:59 PM

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I used VirtueMart 1.1 revision 1382 and that issue seems to be resolved. Great work, the team!

However, a couple of new ones have come up:

The link to the order, generated in the notification mail to the vendor, seams to tear the template apart. It's all there, but with the fonts all wrong etc. I've attached a screen print of normal and with the link.

Also - for me very important - previously, when I used the credit card payment option (no processing, just collecting the credit card info - also print screen) - the last 4 digits were shown on the copy of the order (vendors version) and now it isn't. It's shown on the purchaser's copy. As the full credit card details are only available by having the two parts (emailed bit with the last four digits plus remainder shown on order in backend admin area) it means that the card cannot be hand processed at all.

This latter point really needs urgent attention.

Thanks for all the fine work. I am trying to do my bit with translations and bug reporting.

Oh yes - the system is the same :
Joomla! 1.5.1
VirtueMart 1.1 revision 1382
MySQL 5.0.45-community
PHP: 5.2.5

[attachment cleanup by admin]
David Jakob
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