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button_ok.png missing. rev.1381

Started by mauri, April 22, 2008, 19:20:06 PM

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VirtueMart 1.1 nightly build Rev.1381
J! 1.5.2
button_ok.png is missing.
These files are calling <img src="<?php echo IMAGEURL ?>ps_image/button_ok.png"


Maybe the path must be <img src="<?php echo VM_THEMEURL ?>images/button_ok.png"
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


The button_ok.png is not in IMAGEURL ?>ps_image folder anymore.
It´s in VM_THEMEURL ?>images/button_ok.png.
Those files calls <?php echo IMAGEURL ?>ps_image/button_ok.png.
I check SVN and nightly build Rev.1381
Can you check too ?
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11