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Display problems using different browsers

Started by Yarns, April 20, 2008, 12:50:23 PM

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Hi all :)

I'm using today's nightly build of VM 1.1 for Joomla 1.5.

While setting up my store, I've created my own set of templates to be used for displaying the different pages.

Everything is displayed nicely when using Firefox. Using Opera or IE is bringing up some strange display problems. I've spent several hours checking the code of the themplatefiles, but I can't find a way to solve it. :(

I've added screenshots to make things a bit clearer.

ff.png shows the display of the page in Firefox. Everything fine here.

ie.png shows the display of the site in Internet Explorer - seems as if it's starting to print content to the left of the pathway's navigation.

opera.png shows the display of the site in Opera - seems as if it's starting to print the content after the final line of left side's modules.

Would be great if somebody would come up with an idea about the reason of this and the neccessary changes...

Many thanks in advance,

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These look to me like problems with your Joomla template.
The ie version looks like it uses a wide margin to take the right column clear of the left column and the value is too great
The opera version looks like a float problem with the left and right columns having widths that total more than 100% (the sorth of thing that can happen when one width is set in pixels and the other is a percentage)


Thanks doorknob, will check it, didn't examine the joomla-templates yet. :)
