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WysiwygPro problem

Started by Han Leentvaar, November 29, 2008, 01:38:52 AM

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Han Leentvaar

I experienced problems using this editor in all forms.
The (updated) content is only saved when you switch the editor to the html view first.
I found the solution on the WysiwygPro site.

I solved the problem in the file:
administrator\components\com_virtuemart\classes\htmlTools.class.php, line 325,

I added:

Resulting in this new line:
echo '<form method="post" action="'. $action .'" name="'.$formname.'" '.$extra.' target="_self" onSubmit="WPro.updateAll(\'prepareSubmission\')" >';

It would be nice if this could be changed  ;D

All the best, Han Leentvaar, Inside .Services

VM 1.1.2, Joomla 1.5.8, IE7, WysiwygPro v1.0.3_3.1.0


WysiwygPro being commercial product there is no way for us to check this, however I will let our developer know about it.


Had the same problem. Turned off wysiwygpro, and just left it at straight html. I don't mind working in html, but my client does! So I'm actually thinkin about dumping wysiwygpro, just because of this bug.