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VirtueMart 1.1 nightly build

Started by aravot, September 01, 2007, 02:59:46 AM

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If you would like to see VirtueMart 1.1 stable version released sooner than later than please help us identify bugs by running VirtueMart nightly build (Not for Production site).

The Quality and Testing forum is the only place appropriate for support on nightly builds, please do not use the other support forums.

JCE ProductSnapShot Plugin v1.1.2 for VM 1.1  please test with JCE 1.1.8, does NOT work with JCE 1.5, if someone can port this to JCE 1.5 please do.

24 June 2011
VirtueMart 1.1.9 Stable Complete Package -> Download

19 March 2011
VirtueMart 1.1.8 Stable Complete Package -> Download

06 February 2011
VirtueMart 1.1.7 Stable Complete Package -> Download

22 November 2010
VirtueMart 1.1.6 Stable Complete Package -> Download

24 July 2010
VirtueMart 1.1.5 Stable Complete Package -> Download

16 October 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.4 Stable Complete Package -> Download

11 May 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.3 1767 Complete Package

    # Task #2590 - Attributes are not calculated
    # Task #2595 - Frontend edit icon should not have a hard-coded dimension
    # Task #2566 - Notify button not working
    # Task #2599 - Product attributes with a '0' value are blank in orders
    # Task #2602 - Multiple price table (tier pricing) conversion bug
    # BUG #2611 - Changed _PSHOP_ADMIN to _VM_IS_BACKEND
    # Fixed The Vendor Category and Vendoer Image Path fields can't be updated (Thank you Phil)
    # Fixed 'Error: A value for the field "vendor_category_name" is missing' (Thank you Phil)

07 May 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.3 1761 Complete Package

    # Fixed TransMenu Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object error message
    # Fixed TigraTree Call to a member function query() on a non-object error message
    # BUG #2592 - Fix for status code 4 (good trans but produces error in VM)
^ Changed Login ID to API ID
# BUG #2016 € is displayed in info message The Value of the Coupon is greater than the current Order Total,
# suppres getimagesize warning if file does not exist
# Fixed to show shipping rate tax for all tax modes
# Unknown column 'file_is_image=0'
# Product type not adding for a single product
# Fixed typo in product.product_product_type_list.php
^ FRQ #2582  shop.browse - optimize to lower nubmer of DB queries.
# BUG #2356 Billing information will be overwritten if sento information is saved
# BUG #2573 ps_cashondel.php contains a couple of short tags
# Fixed recently viewed items when a product or category is unpublished it is still shown (thank you Phil)
# Fixed number of recently viewed products to display (thank you Phil)
# BUG #2550 - Child product price is shown wrong for users other than default group
# Task #2536 - Incomplete php tag with a duplicated table closure'
# Task #2537 - Default currency plugin not set!
# Fixed delete child product from cart when child product has apostrophe in product name.
# Fixed Kenya, Somali and Tanzania currency
# Bug - Fix problems with slimbox not init after AJAX pageload & addtocart confirmation box only working once.
^ Update CA tax rate
# BUG - 0 quantity deletes product from cart on product page and browse page. Should only happen on update or single add to cart button child list
# BUG #2410 Making a File a "downloadable product file" resets existing downloadable product files
^ Changed PayPal test account link in notify.php
+ Added Continue Shopping link when cart is empty
# Task #2536 - Incomplete php tag with a duplicated table closure'
# Task #2537 - Default curency plugin not set!
# Bug #2543
# Review message fixed.
# Bug #2539 missing in conditional expression in mod_virtuemart TigraTree
# CSV Improved not correctly detected
# Bug #2526 Open Account Maintenance in a GreyBox does not work.
# Bug #2538 Ext is undefined
# Open Checkout in Greybox (revisited)
^ Updated DTD for modules for J1.5
# Task #2532 Fixed adding multiple products to product_type
# Fixed - Fatal error: Class 'ps_order_change' not found in ps_order_change.php
^ Changed product_types to template control. Template file product_types.tpl.php added to /common
^ Changed Parameters of Category to Parameters of Product

05 March 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.3 1678 Complete Package

    Fixed - Open Checkout in Greybox
    # Task #1921 - Shipper notice is empty
    Fixed a bug in the new user_classes
    Fixed Itemid added to ajax continue to cart
    Fixed Child items inherit parent attributes
    # Task #2509 Current fix saves fields correctly but does not allow for adding new fields.
    # Task #2374 - Bug in product type flypage path for Joomla 1.5 / VM 1.1.2
    ^ Compliance issue in classes/ps_userfield.php (
    # Task #2517 - VirtueMart installation fails

25 February 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.3 1663 Complete Package

    # Fix failed to open stream error when product image is missing (
    # Fix Bug in Product Type Parameter processing (
    # Task #2489 - Customer review comment length error message
    # Task #2509 - Saving exisintg custom user field multiplies values - with fix
    # Task #2513 - Taxes ids higher than 127 cannot be used on products
    Added the feature to extend the virutemart classes by writing a new class-file to VM_THEMEPATH/user_class/classname.php. Added a checkbox in the config-security to switch this feature on or off.
    # Task #2511 Extra ID's doesn't work for all products, it only works for child products. Edited logic in ps_product_attribute.php
    # Task #2510 Altered ps_product.php to allow aplhanumeric chars in the child_class_suffix field
    # Task #2506 - Subtotal rounding error in savebasket
    # fixed the IE "Operation Aborted" error in the frontend, when "Open Product Images in a LightBox?" is enabled (which is the default)
    # fixed the IE "Operation Aborted" error in Extended Layout in the backend's product form
    ^ Fixed comment typo in SQL file
    # Task #2490 - Add to cart issues when javascript disabled
    # fixed: no value assigned to $DescOrderBy
    # Task #2486 - Loading Edit Store and other administrative pages under MSIE <= 7.0 results in Operation Aborted error and unable to view.
    # Task #2491 - Broken links on pathway
    ^ Fixed Configuration table alignment in
^ Corrected langauge files (thank you Phil)
# Task #2486 - Loading Edit Store and other administrative pages under MSIE <= 7.0 results in Operation Aborted error and unable to view.
# in Extended Layout view, menu icons are shown twice
# Task #2496 - Standard Shipping Module saving problem in DB (fix in ps_shipping - adding a new carrier)
# Task #2473 - Untranslated language string in checkout_register_form.php
# added translation for strings in ps_shopper_group

22 January 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.3 Stable Complete Package -> Download

08 January 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1601 Complete Package

    Task #2458 - order search function in account maintenance now searches for order item names/sku and order number
    # Task #2469 - tax_rate problem in checkout
    # fixed broken admin panel in DEBUG mode
    # Task #2469 - tax_rate problem in checkout
    # Task #2434 - Modules need a statment if to check if the product has items so not to show add to cart.
    # Task #2457 - Error: CheckOut needs a valid Step!
    # Task #2455 -  Problems with sort function "Order by"

07 January 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1598 Complete Package

    # Task #2250 - Products that contain more than one download file only have one download link listed on invoice
    # merged patches for compatibility with SecurityImages 5 (, thanks Cedric for providing these!

06 January 2009
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1597 Complete Package

    # Task #2463 - pageNavigation problem
    # Task #2317 - Submit button on shop ask page is not working
    # Task #2453 - Problem with Tax State
    # address formatting:  {statename} not converted; config tip wrong
    # sql update script from 1.0.x: some chars wrongly encoded; updated version info to 1.1.2 stable; missing function records
    # sql sample data: removed HTML entities from shipping rates
    # sql script: replaced \' with '' for quoting inside queries
    # checkout confirmation tpl: not "make safe" old shipping sample data (cointaining "&gt;"); that was "maked safe" twice
    ^ more strings translated in Swedish language
    # fix in Language Manager
    ^ updated Swedish language (by sgagner)
    ^ fix in Italian language

18 December 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1593 Complete Package

    Task #2451 - Additional downloadable files missing in account maintenance
    Changed Offline Message text-area size to avoid overlap

15 December 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1591 Complete Package

    # Task #2448 - stock levels not reduced when order confirmed
    # Task #2446 - adding custom user fields causes inability to see orders in order list
    # Task #2450 - Weekly Sales report only lists products sold on first day of week
    Cant disable Keep Product Stock Level on Purchase

08 December 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1589 Complete Package

    # Task #2440 - Zone Shipping on checkout page shows zone value rather than zone name.
    # Task #2443 - Save button for additional file/images not working in IE (missing ajax_request var)
    # Task #2197 - Parent price shown for Child items when user is member of a shopper group other than default
    # Task #2445 - hidden user_id present 2 times in a form
    # removed additional user_id parameter from admin.user_address_form
    ^updated Turkish Lira to "New Turkish Lira" in installation sql
    # undefined variables in ro_basket.php
    # Compliance issue in classes/htmlTools.class.php (Thank you Phil)
    # Fixed shipvalue ( Thank you chaliet)

04 December 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1585 Complete Package

    # Removed affiliate reference from configuration and language file
    # usps.php - fatal error on curl_error
    # shop.feed.php - fatal error when JoomFish is enabled
    # Task #2439 - Dynamic Image Resizing ( PSHOP_IMG_RESIZE_ENABLE ) can not be switched off casuing broken thumb images on Category display
    ^ show_image_in_imgtag.php: changed max height+width to 600px and min to 40px;
    # no resized images will be created when "Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing?" is disabled; added a check for the existance of the GD library
    # better HTTPS detection;
    #Task #2438 - fixed mod_virtuemart_manufacturers.php PHP notice

02 December 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1583 Complete Package

    #Task #2437 - Undefined variable: coupon_display;
    #Task #2436 - Error when trying to view order in Account Maintenance
    # Task #2414 - Shipping zone display error
    #2314 - Add Item MISSING in 1.1.2
    # fixed some security-related issues.
    # Task #2429 - Undefined variable: tax_display
    # fix for removed affiliate module
    # Task #2366 - Missing info message "The selected quantity exceeds quantity available in stock." with EASY FIX (Thank you Danny)
    # Task #2394 - Selecting orders in the back-end causes a major slow-down with large number of orders
    # Task #2412 - Child Products do not Display in IE7 AJAX Cart
    # Task #2406 - Too many escape characters are added when writing virtuemart.cfg.php

26 November 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1574 Complete Package

    Fixed missing Checkout Bar image using Joomla 1.5.8
    ^ updated Hungarian language (by pedrohsi)
    ^ updated Finnish language (by mauri)
    ^ updated Dutch language (by Tonslag)
    ^ updated Spanish language (by adancer)
    ^ fix in Italian language
    + showing state name instead of state-2-code in order details
    Added missing User Group List icon
    Added missing forum icon
    # Task #2305 - VM1.1.2 frontend order layout broken
    fix for displaying child products in a list. In IE7 and IE6 the page collapses because of a missing span tag. IE then places all subsequent child products in the previous span. This works fine unless you have more than let's say 15 child products.
    Added missing product navigation link parameters to theme.xml file
    # Task #2371 - Moving up/down doesn't work in admin lists
    # Task #2368 - order date not local language
    + added pathway + page title to registration page
    ^ changed basket + ro_basket to read the basket templates using the vmtemplateClass::fetch method
    # Task #2331 - search_date hidden field doesn't get a value in admin product listing on backend after
    # Task #2335 - mod_virtuemart_login.php contains unescaped ampersand characters
    # Task #2336 - HTML entities in product name are not always escaped leading to XHTML validation errors.
    # Task #2337 - Labels for the user fields 'title' and 'state' do not match the ids used on the select tags.
    # Task #2338 - Option values for dropdown lists allow unescaped HTML entities leading to XHTML validation errors.
    # Task #2339 - The vendor image requires the alt attribute for XHTML validation
    # Task #2340 - pageNavigation.class.php specifies nowrap="true" causing XHTML validation errors.
    # Task #2341 - writeSearchHeader function in htmlTools.class.php generates invalid HTML
    # Task #2342 - The dropdown list of downloadable filenames for a product should exclude system files such as .htaccess and index.html etc.
    # Task #2345 - Rogue double quote in basket_b2c.html.php
    # Task #2344 - XHTML validation errors in basket
    # Task #2346 - Username and password login boxes require unique ids for XHTML validation
    # Task #2347 - XHTML validation errors in shop.downloads.php
    # Task #2348 - XHTML validation error with PayPal image
    Corrected few spelling mistakes in English language ( - thank you Phil)
    Fix compatibility issues with jomcomment system plugin ( - thank you azrulrhm)
    Changes made to mod_virtuemart_login to make xhtml w3c compliance ( - thank you Phil)
    Changes made to mod_virtuemart to make xhtml w3c compliance ( - thank you Phil)
    # Task #2286 - Manufacturer Description missing query mf_desc in shop.browse.php on line 121

31 July 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.2 Stable Complete Package -> Download

25 June 2008
Will continue to provide nightly build updates after v1.1.2

18 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1427 Complete Package

    # updater class not able to create new subdirectories
    # no space between additional Images in Internet Explorer 7
    # fix for EU VAT ID check
    # Hide the Joomla admin menu in Joomla! 1.5 for the order print details
    - Removed PayPal Website Payments Pro (will restore in later release)

17 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1424 Complete Package

    ^ Added ability to publish/unpublish products from the inventory page; also changed product link to match product list (thanks to Amy for the idea)
    ^ Added ability to print order from order details page in backend (thanks Amy for the idea)

15 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1422 Complete Package

    # Task #2104 - Add to Cart 'Up' and 'Down' buttons don't display correctly in IE6
    + added Filename-Display to all important template files (shows file names in DEBUG mode then!)
    # Item Dropdown List didn't reflect actual discounted prices, but normal prices
    # Task #2165 - e-mail address of customer as from in vendor_mail

14 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1421 Complete Package

    ^ Clean up the order details (VM admin) page.
    ^ Reformat FedEx shipping options to match UPS and USPS.
    # Need to instantiate ps_country.
    # Task #2062 - USPS and UPS conflict
    # Task #2118 - Shipping value doesn't change in new order change file
    # Task #1889 - Publish button not working in filemanager
    # Task #1742 - Wrong redirection with virtuemart login module
    # Task #2034 - Wrong URL after logging out
    # Task #2068 - No link in email when order status changes
    # Task #2168 - Bankaccount informations of customers are not shown in Backend
    # Task #2110 - Fixes for PayPal Website Payments Pro

12 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1411 Complete Package

    Fix the divide by zero bug in "Order Edit"
    ^ changed product form to display a "category search form" instead of a select-list with all categories when more than 200 categories are present in the store
    #2069, #2166, #1840
    Wrong URL in Order Status Change email when using PayPal;
    Add to cart broken in SVN 1408;
    Ajax call does not work with full SEF URL

10 June 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1408 Complete Package

    #2120,#2119,#2116,#2109,#2108,#2107 -
    Cookie check not showing warning when cookies are disabled;
    Product descriptions are truncated at the first instance of "&nbsp;";
    Search in Country, State list not working;
    Captcha is shown on invoice (attempt #2);
    Spaces removed form alt and title of images inserted in product descriptions;
    Feature Product on shop page shows 'Notify Me' button even when product is in stock

26 May 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 revision 1407 Complete Package

    #2117 - Call-time pass-by-reference error in ps_order_change.php
    #change prefix from jos_  to #__{vm}_

23 April 2008
VirtueMart 1.1.0 Stable Complete Package -> Download