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Started by Sean Kwiatkowski, August 15, 2007, 12:26:07 PM

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Sean Kwiatkowski

Hi guys, 

After spending a few hours searching through google and various forums I find that there is nothing listed to resolve my problem so I am hoping someone here may have some pointers for me to research further.

I am looking to add a download area to my install for users to pay for music files from local unsigned bands.  I am looking to charge the customer per download in a single transaction, i.e.  they download a track from 3 different bands and we charge for example £3 in total.  I then need to pay each of the separate bands from this £3 transaction a set fee of 50p, myself 25p and a local charity 25p.  Can anyone direct me to any links for help please.

Thanks for any advice.

Sean K