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PayPal Pro implementation in VirtueMart

Started by JPandMari, January 11, 2006, 19:44:13 PM

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well frank I think then that this forum is a good place to share that info, secrecy is not good for open source or for commercial solutions.

Any link, script name or explanation is welcome


While one can easily marvel at the fact that your claims serve as an answer to their payment gateway desires, from my experience with Paypal Pro, there has been no solution that has been proven reliable. They have all fallen on their faces.

Perhaps this ought to be an integrated solution with the core of Virtuemart. This way there are no changes that can lead astray from functionality in the future.


probably I'm and ignorant in this matter (virtuemart coding, papal pro integration) but,
can somebody tell me why is that hard to integrate paypal pro into virtuemart?,
(I mean the main technical reasons)
there are a lot of less sophisticated carts offering that feature....


I think the main thing is lack of experience with PayPal's APIs, and the fact that they've changed them a few times in the past.



I'm in Australia, and have downloaded the zenatdesign module for paypal wpp.

It does not work.

I tried emailing the developer but got no reply.

Not sure if the module works for the US paypal gateway only.

The Australian paypal gateway is using verisign, lik ethe UK.

The module Frank seems to refer to is a php module which does not seem to hook into virtuemart all at.



other than buying this from you there is no way to use pay pal pro?