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Started by ~raven~, January 25, 2004, 14:15:46 PM

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Okay... let's say so I've decided phpShop for MOS is the best solution and want to integrate it on a production site...  I have my certificate installed and ready to go...

How do I enable ssl?



please go to

and change the lines with SECUREURL to
Quote//"SECUREURL"             =>      $mosConfig_live_site."/",
"SECUREURL"           =>      str_replace("http", "https", $mosConfig_live_site),

Change URL to SECUREURL everywhere you need secure connections.

ciao, soeren
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!

Joseph Bell

Tried adding secure URL to v1.1

define ('SECUREURL', '');

Should I have it more like the example above?

The problem that occurs is that on every page with any secure URLs I get an error message:
"this page contains both secure and nonsecure items do you wan tot display the nonsecure items?"

This seems to relate to the template (template CSS links and images) and to the mod_mainmenu images. Have fixed (a real kludge) the template but not the mod_mainmenu.


Post edited by: jobiwan, at: 2004/05/19 07:28


I am having this same problem.  Have you found a fix yet?


Joseph Bell

The only fix it seemed I could make was to make the entire site secure by adding a rewrite function to the htacess file to make all http: calls https: instead.

I also had to comb through all the files on the site to correct some sloppy coding (more in Mambo than in PHP shop)  to ensure this worked as a lot of links were static coding and did not use the URL prefixes from the configuration file.

This is definately not an ideal fix and I am trying to refine it before posting the solution. Mainly the images and CSS files are the problem.

All this just because the average internet user does not understand the popup message and how to configure their browser... :dry:

This is also a pain for search engines as some cannot index internal pages of a secure site...bleh!  :(