Modify product price with plgVmPrepareCartProduct and product_override_price

Started by sandomatyas, July 08, 2024, 15:28:43 PM

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I wrote a small VM custom plugin that uses some parameters and plgVmPrepareCartProduct to modify the product's cart price. It's quite similar to text_input and works almost the same.

My problem is with the product price overrides. When I use product_override_price, plgVmPrepareCartProduct modifies $modificatorSum but product_override_price overrides it.

Is it possible to add my custom extra price using plgVmPrepareCartProduct even when the product price is overridden?

Thank you.


The product price override is AFAIK an override, that's it. It is a legacy function from VM 1.xx and can not be mixed with the never flexible price system. Not much of any help. Maybe someone else has any ideas.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
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