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Main Menu Payment Failed Notification Page

Started by hotrod, August 27, 2023, 17:14:22 PM

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After working with and My Template Developer..  I'm convinced this is a Bug..

On my live site.. J3 V3 if your payment fails.. you get a notice in the message area up top.. from

On my rebuilt site.. J4 VM4.2.2 when the payment fails I see the message up top but on an error page as seen in the image.. leaving the shopper no where to go.. on V3   it loads all this on the cart page... just like if you don't except the terms of service.
all other notification work fine.. like missing fields, terms of service not checked  etc...

I do see this Error..  0 You have not supplied a valid HTTP status code

Orders process fine...  it's only when wants to send a warning back that the transaction has failed..  You can see the notice at the top of the page..

If someone could test this for me also.. that would be great..  just say put in the wrong expiration date..  and confirm order..
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0


Could be interesting to know if it happens also on j3
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I am running a J3 site and don't have that issue with  VM 3.8.8 10472.. when you put in say a bad expiration date and it's sent to  it takes you back to your cart with a notice that Data is not valid..    I also changed to the Joomla default Template and the return page just says " Page does not exist"   If I refresh the Error Page..  It takes you to what you should see..  The Cart Page with a notice that..  Data isn't valid.. 

This is the only thing stopping me from going live on the V4 and J4 rebuild..

Can someone using and the latest VM test This?
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0


I set errors to show and log in the settings..  do you know where I would go to find them.

One other thing is when I get that error page   and hit refresh  I get a pop up to Resend Data?  hit yes and it takes me to the cart where it should go...

I use the VP One Page Checkout...   you think maybe he would know whats going on?  I'm gunna see if I can direct him here..
Bronze Member
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
Joomla!  ‎4.3.4
PHP 8.0