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Values in shopper field dropdown menu won't save

Started by flippertricks, July 17, 2023, 11:26:52 AM

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I've been trying to create new shopper field, a dropdown menu with select. However when I try to set it up I can't seem to add multiple values. When I save the field only the last value I added is there and only one value displays in the dropdown in the front end. I've attached screenshots of the values I'm trying to add, and the result after I hit save. I have VM 4.0.22, J 3.10.12, PHP 8.0.29. (As an aside, interestingly I'm having a similar-ish problem with JUX Portfolio plugin for the same website, trying to enter titles and alt text for photos... The last titles and alt texts I create disappear when I hit save...could this be a related problem??)

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!!


Please does anybody know what could be happening to my shopper field values? They just keep disappearing when I click save (even though the notice says 'Userfield successfully saved'), and I'm getting desperate as I need this functioning quite urgently  :'(

I've tried in different browsers and tried recreating the field using different values which I don't think have ever been used before, in case this was causing a problem. Nothing seems to be working. My com_virtuemart.log.php isn't showing any errors while I'm doing all this. I really can't figure out where the problem lies and I can't find any past posts with this same problem.

Please does anyone have any suggestions?


UPDATE: I contacted VM support who worked on a fix for me and it now works (thank you VM!) - I'm guessing the update will be publicly available soon


Hi ermis1234, I'm afraid I was just provided with update files so I don't know what the fix was, maybe best to send a support ticket


Hello ermis,

you can buy a membership and then you have the code directly. You can also check the fix here
But maybe I changed the vmtable again. It was a lot work to fix it and not to break something else.
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