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0 - Call to undefined method vmconnector::gethttp()

Started by ec83, February 28, 2023, 11:45:46 AM

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Hello, i randomly get this error message.
"Call to undefined method vmconnector::gethttp()". See screenshot.

It's an error that was reported to me but I don't know when it occurs...

Does anyone know where this could be coming from? I can't find anything in the Virtuemart or Joomla log files

Best Regards


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ho sorry !

VirtueMart Version Number 3.8.8 10472
Joomla Version Number 3.10.11
PHP 7.4.29

Thanks ;)


I think I found a clue...

If in the back office i modify the country of the customer's billing address on his customer file by modifying the Country field. For example, I put "Guadeloupe" or "La RĂ©union" instead of France, the error appears in the back office.

So I was able to activate the debug mode to analyze the error. The problem stems from the com_istraxx_geolocator component.

The former webmaster added certain French departments to the list of Countries and since "La RĂ©union" and "Guadeloupe" are not Countries but French departments, the com_istraxx_geolocator component generates an error.

The website only sells its products in France so it would be necessary to add the list of French departments ->
and set the Country field to France only...

If I update the vm_states table to insert the French departments paying attention to the state_id number (autoincrement) will it work?

Then I still have to publish only the French departments in the back office of Virtuemart in the Country section?



If this is related to the iStraxx extension then support is by ticket -

Nobody has reported this issue before in the forum so it could be specific to your setup. I have never used a geolocator component. Suggest you try your possible solution out on a backup copy of the site.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


In the past I have used this ticket system without response.
The com_istraxx_geolocator component is already up to date on the site.

Therefore I applied my solution: publish the departments in a field separate from the Country field and I no longer have the error.

I limited the display of the country field to France ;)



Hello ec83,
the new geolocator is adjusted for vm4 latest, which has the function in vmConnector.

Btw you can enter new states by vm itself, just click on "states" near the name of the country
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