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vmloaderpluginupdate Blocks Joomla 4 Registration Page

Started by T.A. Garrison, LLC, May 10, 2022, 20:12:16 PM

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Ah found it,... it has a redirect with message, which is not allowed in j4 anylonger. So the fast fix is in line 101 this
$app->redirect( $l,$msg);
becomes just
$app->redirect( $l);

Btw also one of the things,which they changed and it breaks old code unecessary completly. They could just have declared, it wont work any more, but not breaking old code by just leaving a dummy parameter.
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T.A. Garrison, LLC

I don't know why I haven't had any update notifications from the forum, but I'm just now getting back to check several issues with J4 and VM, this being one of them with the (now) 57 updates from VM that need to be fixed in the database. I gave up on any hope for a fix using VM for registration.

That said, I have to add that I'm about ready to give up with VM.
I have fought all the problems - regardless if it was something for which J4 was responsible - and finally got a legitimate sale today through VM.
LITERALLY - 10 times I've received a confirmation from VM for the 1 sale. I checked everywhere to be able to assure my customer that they have not been charged more than once, and I am correct - only 1 time they were charged.
But the customer has received 5 invoices.
I've been sent 10, but the system continues sending them to me still! It's now been over 3 hours since the order was placed and I'm still getting confirmation messages. It started at about every 5 minutes, grew to roughly every 10 minutes, then to 30 minutes, and now it seems 40 minutes.

To make things more confusing, for the first time when using VM (old or new), "every" confirmation from this one order has a Subject of "=?utf-8?B?Wzc5TEEwM10sIENvbmZpcm1lZCBvcmRlciBieSBNciBFcmljIE1lemEsIHRvdGFsICQzNzkuNDA=?="
I have no idea what that is, but I think it's just that one thing to push me over the edge. Fixing the Subject is the least of my worries. If that were the only or most serious problem I would do as Max has mentioned - ignore them.

The point is, the confirmations continue to be E-mailed to me for now more than 3 hours. This is what I'm left with after all the other problems from VM since installation in January of this year.
Thus far I've had no response about how best to address any of the issues, so I'm very close to abandoning VM. The alternatives are horrible. But I can't have a site from which I stream weekly that has a very prominent part of the site causing issues.

Are there things I could just ignore? Maybe, but that's not really the point. When a customer purchases something they expect things to work as properly - not malfunction all over the place. Even if some of the malfunctions are things I could ignore, they are still added to the list of problems.
And when there are problems that customers see, that's where I have to make a decision about whether to allow that to happen, or change something so I no longer have "any" issues. I and my site are far too prominent as a developer to have the ongoing issues with my site.

T.A. Garrison, LLC
3150 Orleans St. # 28261
Bellingham, WA 98228

GJC Web Design

what versions are u on?

The email subject thing was fixed a while back

the latest is released yesterday with a huge number of problems fixed
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
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T.A. Garrison, LLC

I'm using VirtueMart 4.0.6 10690

And, I'm still getting the E-mail notifications about the product purchase. The time between them has slowed dramatically. But still even if they continue once every 24 hours is too much. But they come through much more often than that. I got the last one about 45 minutes ago.

You've provided a link to the latest version, but you stated the E-mail was fixed "...a while back..."
That, plus the fact that I've had no notifications of any updates in the last few days prompts me to think that whatever was "supposed" to be fixed "...a while back..." and was not addressed since the issue is happening now to the version just prior to the latest, would indicate that the issue would not have "also" been addressed in this latest version because it would have been crossed of the "fix" list for this latest version as "already fixed".
Isn't that correct?
T.A. Garrison, LLC
3150 Orleans St. # 28261
Bellingham, WA 98228

GJC Web Design

the number of versions between  4.0.6 10690 and is 29 dev releases and 2 months!!!! .. each one contains further bug fixes

It is pointless reporting bugs from a 29 versions, 2 month old release....

make a clone and test the latest is the way forward...
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
Samport Payment Plugin - EcomMerchant Payment Plugin - ccBill payment Plugin
VM2 Product Lock Extension - VM2 Preconfig Adresses Extension - TaxCloud USA Taxes Plugin - Virtuemart  Product Review Component
Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation


Dev versions can be found on  - if you find a bug it's a good idea to test the most recent RC release to see if that bug is fixed.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

T.A. Garrison, LLC

GJC - It would seem obvious that there are unreleased versions between 4.0.6 10690 and

To the end user, if we have an update available, we don't know how many "other" versions are available. We're developing sites and providing SEO - not developing the software.

That leads me to understand there was a fix after "my" version and before the "latest" version which may well have addressed my issue.
I'll download the, clone my site and see if that works.
T.A. Garrison, LLC
3150 Orleans St. # 28261
Bellingham, WA 98228

GJC Web Design

there is constant development going on and generally new versions released every few days to the tester group and /or on or mentioned in the forum somewhere.

These versions can hardly be released as stable updates until tested.

Software needs to be tested .. with a software as complex as VM that now has to run on 2 different versions of Joomla there are dozens of different configuration combinations and php versions -
with only a small number of testers it is a huge task to find every bug.

Therefore I don't think it is unreasonable for website builders who are using this free software to contribute something back to the project by getting involved in the testing process ... if VM lacks anything it is having enough testers..

It is simple enough to have a clone site, keep an eye on the forum or check every so often, try the latest test version and report any bugs you find on your particular install.
This way bugs are found and fixed.

When reporting a bug it is pointless if the version you are reporting on isn't mentioned or if it isn't the latest ..
and of course a quick summary of how to recreate the bug and if a fatal etc a php trace. And mention the php version.
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
VM4 AusPost Shipping Plugin - e-go Shipping Plugin - VM4 Postcode Shipping Plugin - Radius Shipping Plugin - VM4 NZ Post Shipping Plugin - AusPost Estimator
Samport Payment Plugin - EcomMerchant Payment Plugin - ccBill payment Plugin
VM2 Product Lock Extension - VM2 Preconfig Adresses Extension - TaxCloud USA Taxes Plugin - Virtuemart  Product Review Component
Contact for any VirtueMart or Joomla development & customisation