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Shopper Groups for Categories

Started by Rsn, January 13, 2020, 07:01:37 AM

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Dear developers!
How do you look at adding the ability to select Shopper Groups for Categories?

It seems to me that this would be no less useful than for goods, prices, shipment and payment methods.
In my case, it would be very useful!

By the way, there was already a similar request:


because shopper groups exist for products - it seems that categories are less required.

For example

Consider a product AA that is visible in 2 categories 1 and 2

If you leave product AA alone

Show only category 1 to Shopper group "trade"

Product AA will be visible to everyone when they visit category 2

This complexity increases when you consider taxation by category etc

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thanks for the answer!
I meant - regulate the level of access (shopper groups) precisely for Categories, not for products. For products shopper groups are already regulated.

QuoteProduct AA will be visible to everyone when they visit category 2

I don't understand what is wrong.
If administrator has set category 2 for this product, then he must be prepared that this product will be displayed in category 2.
And if he does not want to show this product to everyone, then he sets shopper group "trade" for this Product.


I understand what you wanted - however categories control far more than just product view

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Also if you open a category it shows the child categories even if the category's products are assigned to other shopper group. I need to hide the category itself as well.


It is alread handled by the product and you can do a mass edit of all products of a category.
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Quote from: Milbo on March 09, 2022, 11:44:30 AM
It is alread handled by the product and you can do a mass edit of all products of a category.

but does it hide the category from the category child list?