JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 35 => Where is user 35 data stored?

Started by Mister Paul, August 22, 2018, 09:05:18 AM

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Mister Paul


I am migrating an Joomla / Virtuemart 1.5 site to actual versions. I instaled a template.
As you can see here,
I have an alert message:
QuoteJUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 35

I have read that it should be because I did a quick install of the template.
I saw ways to solve this problem by:
- creating a new admin and then modifying it's ID by the missing one (35 in my case).
BUT it would be an almost duplicated admin user. And I am wondering if that wouldn't be confusing...
- or directly modify an admin ID by the missing one (35 for me)
BUT in that case I'd loose all the history of that admin. And I shouldn't do that...

That's why I'd prefer, if that's possible, to change in database the ID of the user that has installed the template (so I'd change 35 by the ID of the actual admin, Owner and Vendor of the shop)
I think that would be cleaner to act like that.

What do you think?
Do you know where the data about user that run quick install template is stored?

Thanks for your help


GJC Web Design

you can't just change a userid of a user in J/VM in the database .. it is cross linked to many many tables

does a Joomla super admin with userid 35 exists in your users?

If not simply make a new superadmin with the same details as the missing 35 .. assign them as shop admin in the VM tools

if a super admin with id 35 is present in the J users then find out why Joomla can't load them

Check in the vm user tables that only one id is assigned as vendor etc etc

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