VM 3.2.4 Category search results - pagination routing problem

Started by kaiserdom, October 03, 2017, 21:08:37 PM

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Hello again
There is a routing problem with search results pagination in category view. Nevertheless, the search module works great. I don't understand why they have to work in different manners. This is something frustrating that needs tune up.  So, every time I search something with the search module, I get the results and I can browse without routing problems between the results' pages. On the other hand, if I search something within category search form, I get proper results but the pagination routing kicks me back to all the products of current category, not taking into account the search keywords that I used.

VM 3.2.4
Joomla 3.8.0
PHP 7.0.24


Is there a way to stop search-form from revealing in category page results, every time I search something with the search module?

Studio 42

I have similar issue see http://pro.st42.fr, it's my testing site.
It's a fresh install with Joomla 3.8.1+Vm3.24 only, protostar with no modifications
In home
Pagination is completely broken.
You cannot return to 1st pagination.
If you dont set ordering to product name, but ordering + name, the neighbor use unknow order (my products are not ordered).

PHP 7.0.1
P.S: I changed nothing and now have a 500 error on home page but http://pro.st42.fr/index.php/android is right.
P.S2:Vm use to many memory, i had to change to 512M, this is really big to get 2400 products only! And no modules or plugin are active.
ps3: forget, it try to load 768 product because pagination is broken in home page