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Confirmation order mail

Started by daltan75, February 01, 2016, 22:48:47 PM

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Hi great support, I have a problem whit my site
When I buy a product and pay whit paypal, the shopper don't receive order confirmation mail....why?
User, receive it but whit object mail "order pending" and the paypal mail....why?

I'm disperate, can you say me what can I do?please :(

EDIT: the order is pending on the site too, I must change it in "Confermated" and start the mail :/

EDIT2: I'm testing my site, and I see that if I buy another time whit same mail account, the mail don't start to user....

EDIT3: on the invoice appear ever:

Vi ringraziamo per l'acquisto presso xconcept

What is this 555-555-1212?I have substitute the sample dates whit mine :/
