Add to cart confirmation pop-up message enhancement or fix

Started by bobthebob01, December 29, 2015, 17:56:50 PM

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I'm posting here to suggest an enhancement to the add to cart confirmation message enhancement. This is in relation to the initial thread here: . And as suggested by GJC Web Design, I'm posting here my enhancement.

Here is the issue:
This is obviously correct: "1 x iPhone was added to your cart."
"3 x iPhone was added to your cart." is not sound correct. It's actually a major grammatically wrong.
Shouldn't it be "3 x iPhone were added to your cart.

So here is my fix to that:
for the sake of backward compatibility, in case some one has an override and do not make that update; I'm adding 2 new language strings in /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini as follow:
COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED_SINGLE="%2$s x %1$s was added to your cart."
COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED_PLURAL="%2$s x %1$s were added to your cart."

And now we need to add a new condition to display the add to cart message in /components/com_virtuemart/views/cart/tmpl/padded.php .
On line 25 change:

foreach($this->products as $product){
echo '<h4>'.vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED',$product->product_name,$product->quantity).'</h4>';
} else {
echo '<div>'.$product->errorMsg.'</div>';


for this:

foreach($this->products as $product){
echo '<h4>'.vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED_PLURAL',$product->product_name,$product->quantity).'</h4>';
} elseif ($product->quantity=1) {
echo '<h4>'.vmText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED_SINGLE',$product->product_name,$product->quantity).'</h4>';
} else {
echo '<div>'.$product->errorMsg.'</div>';


For people new to PHP, here is what I did. I changed the first condition to display a specific message if the quantity of product added to the cart is superior to 1: if($product->quantity>1).
And then added the condition to display a specific message if the quantity of product added to the cart is equal to 1: elseif ($product->quantity=1).
Of course, I left the last condition to display the error message when needed.

And for the PHP guru out there, please let me know if what I did is not correct or could be done in a better way as I am not fluent in PHP. I just play well with the "V" of "MVC" ;)

That's it, that's all.

I hope it helps and/or will find its way to the next release. As it really does not look serious to have such grammatical error. I speak also French, and I'm pretty sure the same major error is applying to most language since making the distinction between single and plural is crucial in probably all languages.
