Problems with PDF invoice PDF (blank PDF only header)

Started by chaldama, August 19, 2015, 09:41:06 AM

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At which runs in VM 3.0.9 all PDF invoices show up blank. The files only contain the header image and information and "//" in the content area.

I already reinstalled the latest version of the tcpfdf library but this does not make a difference.

Any ideas how to solve this?


i got simillar problem with products for download (iStraxx plugin)

Studio 42


Hi Patrick,
Thank you for replying.
I tried your solution but unfortunately, the invoices are still empty, except for the header and "//" in the content area.

Studio 42

Hi Marloes,
Have you try to set joomla default template (isis) for your tests ?
perhaps your template is obsolete and call an unexisting function .


Thank you for your reply.
My administrator template already is set to Isis. Or do you mean changing my frontend template from Yagendoo to standard?


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Hi Milbo,
Thank you for the tip but I do not need any customisations, I just want to use the standard PDF invoice. Currently this does not work.
Regards Marloes


" If you want to view the invoice in non-pdf format, just use the print view (go to the backend orders list, use the print icon, copy paste the link of the popup). it should look like this:

If you want to debug your Invoice, you must follow this procedure to exclude errors of the layout. When the pdf stays blank, then there is either an error in the layour, or there is a problem with an used image.
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Hi Milbo,
Thank you, it was indeed the vendor image that caused the problem. So glad this is finally solved!
Regards Marloes

Studio 42

For info :
90% of full blank PDF pages in VM are from PNG images logo(or paiment, shipmnet image...) or template. Using default template and a jpg image sould work in most  cases.
