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can't process workfloww contact shopowner status is x

Started by smitsert_001, June 17, 2015, 12:01:59 PM

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Hi there!

i'am new to virtuemart forum but i have installed virtuemart a few times in a test website.
know i have a real life website and i am stuck!

i'am working with VM 3.08
i don't know wich DB i work with

i read something about upgrade to DB 2.0 but when i do this i get a error:
1146 Table 'boetiela6_bv.ozas6_vm_manufacturer_category' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM ozas6_vm_manufacturer_category

the problem i have with de site:

when a tester buy a product the following is happening:

order canceld!
can't process workflow contact the shopowner status is X
can't process workflow contact the shopowner status is

in virtuemart a order is there and the payment is done on the bankaccount of the shopowner but there is no e-mail to the client and the shopwoner.

the website:
webstore = webwinkel, herenkleding, heren polo


Ik heb iemand gevraagd die heel veel verstand heeft van virtuemart (eigenlijk kost het geld bij deze man om er naar te laten kijken)

na een snelle blik is in eerste instantie de VM DB via upgrade / migratie gestart.
dit gaf bij mij een foutmelding die ik niet kon oplossen maar bij die man ging het in 1x goed!

daarna heeft deze man het betaal ideal geopend en opnieuw opgeslagen en daarna werkte het!

ik had intussen een upgrade uitgevoerd van 3.08 naar 3.09 maar daarna zelf ook migratie aangeklikt maar dezelfde foutmelding met een tabel kwam naar voren.
iemand een idee waarom de foutmelding kwam en hoe ik die zelf kan oplossen (mogelijk voor de toekomst)???


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


after the first test by updating de tables from a user how is knowing VM it's working with the payment, but another issue is there:

1146 Table 'boetiela6_bv.ozas6_vm_manufacturer_category' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM ozas6_vm_manufacturer_category

so 1 solution is there and a payment is know ok but why does this popu does come with a clean install of 3.09 and good lang. pack
and when i have a good payment the client wont get a e-mail with a invoice and on the ftp server i won't find a invoice, help please :o


i found out what the problem is, but don't know a solution..
i am not a DB guy or knoq how to configure SQL with PHPADMIN

in the DB there is not a tabel vm_manufacturer_category so how can i make this?

also all the other tables are called : Virtuemart_* and not VM_*


VirtueMart tables for VM2 and 3 are all in the format ###_virtuemart_xxxxxxx

###_vm_xxx was used in older versions. So it seems you may have some manufacturer module installed from an old version? If so then disable it. Maybe it came with your template?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum