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Username In Order E-mail Possible?

Started by oneyozfest182, May 18, 2015, 21:49:17 PM

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Hi! I was wondering if it were at all possible to put the shoppers Joomla username instead of Virtuemart account name in the order e-mail we receive. We have our accounts sign up using an in-house account number as their username, and that's primarily what we use for identifying who they are. If we get an order from "Customer Name" it doesn't really mean much, as we can have several customers with the same name. We also don't require shipping info for online orders because we have all of their account information stored locally. Currently, we receive an e-mail the basically says.
QuoteHello [Store Name],
[Customer Name], confirmed an order with a total of $0.00, his/her order number = b96e014

What I'd like to do is find a way to change it to say
QuoteHello [Store Name],
[Username], confirmed an order with a total of $0.00, his/her order number = b96e014

Is this at all possible?

Here is my server info:
OS Linux b
PHP 5.3.13
MySQLi 5.5.32-log
Time 08:50
Caching Disabled
GZip Disabled
Joomla! Version 3.4.1
VirtueMart 3.0.8