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[SOLVED] Can't install aio package

Started by digimate, February 14, 2013, 10:00:29 AM

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Hi there,

I installed Virtuemart 2.0.18a within my 2.5.9 Joomla website.
So far so go good.

But, when I try to install the com_virtuemart.2.0.18a_ext_aio package I get this error:

        Component Install: DB function reports no errors

        Error installing component

I noticed that the name of this component is visible within 'Components' but nothing/less seems to be installed. When I click on the extension name virtuemart-aio then this error follows:
404 - An error has occurred.
Component not found
Return to Control Panel

When I tried it again, I got the same error (Component Install: DB function reports no errors).

Every time I try to install the aio package there is created a new entry in the database. I deleted them before again another try.

I tried to install the unpacked package from the tmp folder but also no luck. What could be wrong?

I tried it with another hosting provider, also no luck.

Any suggestions for me ?? Please ;-)


Thanks to Jheroen! He helped me to solve it.

I had to delete an old aio entry in the table xxx_assets.

So It's solved. Lucky and happy me. ;-)


This worked for me also...

Remove the line in your database that refers to the VM AIO component (probably from an earlier installation) in your #__assests table.

After this was corrected it installed without issue