VM3.0.2_Paypal Payment Standard: which file can I work on to customize it?

Started by hhtmp88, December 28, 2014, 11:38:58 AM

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Dear all,

Pls. see attached screen capture for "Paypal Payment standard Output Page"
-> which file and code names should I work on to correct my company's logo size and the product description?

Thanks for any kind of help!

[attachment cleanup by admin]
http://mfyoga.org -- Mindfulness Yoga Association 靜觀瑜伽協會
http://yogajm.com -- YogaJM 晉明瑜伽
http://jinmy.me -- JMY 晉明日誌
http://jm3ime.com -- JinMing 3-Key Chinese Input Method 晉明三鍵輸入法


Select for the payment type option " Shopping cart" instead of "normal"