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Sequential order and invoice numbers

Started by JanZet, April 27, 2013, 19:25:15 PM

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To start the ordernumber from 20130001 and create sequential order numbers I have changed these files:

line 48: defined('VM_ORDER_OFFSET') or define('VM_ORDER_OFFSET',20130001);

line 1143       //We can use that here, because the order_number is free to set, the invoice_number must often follow special rules
      $count = $db->loadResult();
      $data = $count + (int)VM_ORDER_OFFSET;
//       vmdebug('my db creating ordernumber VM_ORDER_OFFSET '.VM_ORDER_OFFSET.' $count '.$count, $this->_db);
//       $variable_fixed=sprintf("%06s",$num_rows);
//      $data = substr( md5( session_id().(string)time().(string)$uid )
//      ,0
//      ,$length
//      ).'0'.$count;

      return $data;
line 1203
               if(empty($data['invoice_number'])) {
   //               $date = date("Y-m-d");
   //                $date = JFactory::getDate()->toMySQL();
   //               $data['invoice_number'] = str_replace('-', '', //substr($date,2,8)).substr(md5($orderDetails['order_number'].$orderDetails['order_status']),0,3).'0'.$count;
                  $data['invoice_number'] = $orderDetails['order_number'];

In this case the first order and invoicenumber will have number 20130001 and the next 20130002 and so on.
I hope you can use it

K&K media production

This is a core hack and not recommended. You will lost the changes if you update Virtuemart.

A better way is to use this plugin


Nice hack

Regarding the plugin, this will suit many users of VM and not suit others.

Some will not want to depend on third party plugins.


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


hi could you please confirm that this is still working because on line  1143 on orders.php i have 

$_orderItems->product_quantity = $_prod->quantity;
         //We can use that here, because the order_number is free to set, the invoice_number must often follow special rules
      $count = $db->loadResult();
      $data = $count + (int)VM_ORDER_OFFSET;
//       vmdebug('my db creating ordernumber VM_ORDER_OFFSET '.VM_ORDER_OFFSET.' $count '.$count, $this->_db);
//       $variable_fixed=sprintf("%06s",$num_rows);
//      $data = substr( md5( session_id().(string)time().(string)$uid )
//      ,0
//      ,$length
//      ).'0'.$count;

and on line 1203

         foreach($calculation_kinds as $calculation_kind) {

            if(!isset($_cart->pricesUnformatted[$key][$calculation_kind])) continue;
            $productRules = $_cart->pricesUnformatted[$key][$calculation_kind];

schould i add the lines somewhere else ?

Thank you in advance for your help.


This still works..

except I had to make the second part of the code for orders.php

if(empty($data['invoice_number'])) {
// $date = date("Y-m-d");
// $date = JFactory::getDate()->toMySQL();
// $data['invoice_number'] = str_replace('-', '', substr($date,2,8)).substr(md5($orderDetails['order_number'].$orderDetails['order_status']),0,3).'0'.$count;
$data['invoice_number'] = str_replace('-', '', substr($date,2,8)).$orderDetails['order_number'];

and its at line 1449

first part is at line 1389