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Menu Module from Template not shown

Started by iSVQ, July 12, 2014, 20:06:43 PM

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Currently using VM2.6.6 on Joomla 2.5.22 PHP 5.4.26


Using VM2 with gk_storebox from GavickPro in a multilingual site (en & sp).
The problem is with VM language template selection. Due to multilingual feature, I have the same three gk_storebox templates for this feature configured properly.
The sliding menu in this template chooses each lang menu module from each lang template. VM only can config one template, so when I enter to the shop, this menu isn't shown properly.

I suggest a modification in the code for showing the menu module that the "lang template selected" is requesting. If not, we need the option for selecting in configuration the menu module shown in each language of the store.

Thank you very much.