Status Update emails from the Backend ignore Frontend Language file overrides

Started by mbarry, April 15, 2014, 16:08:48 PM

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VM 2.0.26d
Joomla 2.5.17

Status update emails generated by the Administrator in the back-end of Virtuemart use a mix of back-end and front-end language files.
Normally, this is not an issue except when a front-end override is used. Since the back-end never loads front-end overrides (and visa-versa), the default language key is used.

Examples of where this occurs are the following keys:
COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_PRODUCT_TAX (com_virtuemart_orders.ini)

These two keys are found in the front-end language files but not the back-end language files.

Using Language Manager->Overrides, I created overrides for the site. However, since these keys do not exist in the back-end (administrator) it was assumed no overrides were required.

The problem is that the status update emails and attached invoices use these fields and can be generated via the front-end (user purchase) and back-end (administrator manual update, print, etc). The emails/invoices generated by the user are correct based on the over rides while the admin generated equivalent retain the default values.

This issue can cause confusion as to why some overrides appear to work and others do not.

To get around this problem, I simply added the overrides to the back-end even though the default keys do not exist.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not and it certainly wasn't obvious that both front-end and back-end language files can be used with either the front-end or back-end override file (not both).


Same problem! Solved the same way, just copied the side overrides to the admininstrator/language/overrides

Thank you very much for this very good advice!