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Not receiving emails from Virtuemart 2.0.24

Started by stawebnice, May 30, 2014, 09:14:14 AM

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I have Virtuemart 2.0.24 on Joomla 2.5.20, installed from fullpackage from Templatemonster and then updated Joomla (Virtuemart cannot be updated - the template cannot handle it)

test URL>

I also have OnePageCheckout, JoomSEF with VM extension and Sisow payment plugins

I am able to complete the order, it also appears in Orders but no email is sent to administrator nor client.

1. Client did not want registrations, so I disabled them. So there are only guest checkouts.

2. Normal contact form in Joomla! works. I have tried switching to SMTP but it did not help. I have tried the shopfunctionsf file for Gmail but then I was not able to complete the order at all (I got blank page and this error about template>

3. Gmail normally works for me with other eshops on this webhosting I use and I have also used other emails.
4. I have tested it with standard payment (cash on delivery) and shipping (personal pick up), so there is no problem with 3rd party plugins
5. I have tried selecting the use vendor's address checkbox in settings, but no effect

Please advise, any idea what could be wrong?

Debug shows no errors. Error log and Virtuemart log shows nothing.


Does ask question work in VM? Check configurations for Default Order Status to send email to shopper/vendor in Configuration/Checkout.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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I checked the settings and you were right, the state for pending was missing so it was not sent.

Thank you for saving me!