Restricted access to VM settings prevents adding discounts, taxes etc.

Started by, April 16, 2014, 14:22:29 PM

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I use latest 2.0.x VM with latest Joomla 2.5.
Together with it, I use multivendor mode. There are 2 main vendors.
One is the super admin that needs to see and be able to set up everything, which is me, and then admin, which is client that should be able to do everything except anything under "System settings" and "Tools". So, "VirtueMart settings", "Customer fields", "Order statuses", "Currencies" and "Countries"; "Updates/Migration", "About version".. should be hidden and forbidden to access for the client.

To achieve that, created a new user group in Joomla called "Store admin". I set the groups as I needed, therefore, I set the Joomla Store Admin groups these permissions in VirtueMart:

In the first tab, (general) Permissions:
Allowed access to the component, disallowed to set up the component

In the last tab, VirtueMart Settings:
Disallowed everything - VirtueMart Settings, Customer fields, Order statuses, Currencies, Countries, Updates/Migration, About version, Live update

In all the other tabs, I allowed everything (categories, products, orders, customers, shop settings).

The first problem that occured was that Store Admin joomla group users couldn't see orders. So I edited DB, in _virtuemart_vmusers, virtuemart_vendor_id from 0 to 1, user_is_vendor from 0 to 1 and perms from shopper to admin.

Great, first problem solved. However, another problem appeared (I don't know if it was there before, but I guess so). In the Products and Categories tab, Taxes and discounts, I can't add a new discount. The same with Custom fields and Reviews. I can add categories and products but that's not enough.
Is there a solution for it?

The only way to fix this was to globally allow global settings of the VM component for Store Admin joomla group. Then, this problem is fixed but I can't disallow access to any parts of the shop (Virtuemart Settings, Currenciess...) which is too bad for me.

Do you know about any solution? Thank you.

However, the Store


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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