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Show all avaible shopper group prices for specific group only

Started by MekkE, March 09, 2014, 18:33:58 PM

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I use multiple price to usergroups:
1. for everyone (anonymous and "simple" registered users)
2. just for "VIP" users

I would like to show multiple prices to VIP members. So they see the VIP and the "for everyone" prices too.

I found this modification on (ty for this), its almost made my task but it show xy group price to everyone.
I need some modification: show xy group price to VIP members (xyz group) only.

Can you help me please?

/* DAYCOUNTS : Show Member price : BEGIN */

$loadForShopperGroupId 8//This is the id of the shopper group prices to display
$productModel VmModel::getModel('product');
$shoppergroupsprices $productModel->loadProductPrices($this->product->virtuemart_product_id,$quantity,array($loadForShopperGroupId),true);
foreach (
$shoppergroupsprices as $sgPrice) {
    if (
$sgPrice['virtuemart_shoppergroup_id'] == $loadForShopperGroupId) {
$clubprice $sgPrice['product_price'];
        if (
$sgPrice['override']==1) {
$clubprice $sgPrice['product_override_price'];
        } else if (
$sgPrice['override']==-1) {
//get VatTax
$total_vat_tax 0;
            foreach (
$this->product->prices['VatTax'] as $vat_tax) {
$total_vat_tax $total_vat_tax $vat_tax[1];
$total_vat_tax + ($total_vat_tax 100);
$clubprice $sgPrice['product_override_price'] * $total_vat_tax;
'Member price: '$this->currency->priceDisplay($clubprice,0,1,false,2,'Member price' );
/* DAYCOUNTS : Show Member price : END */



Not sure to undestand yOur needed.

So try to create a price with a dedicated group for each.
On virtuemart user, set groups you want they see.

Hope this help u.




Thank you, but you don't understand me :)

" create a price with a dedicated group for each. On virtuemart user, set groups you want they see."

I want to show multiple group prices to specific ("VIP") group members, please check the copied code:)