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[SOLVED]Conflict User Permission Virtuemart and Joomla

Started by FraArc, March 20, 2014, 15:04:40 PM

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I hope that someone can help me. I'm a new entry in this community.

I have an issue... a conflict with user permission in VM and Joomla

I have a website built in Joomla 2.5.17 with Virtuemart 2.0.26d

1 . I created a storeadmin user (only for the management of virtuemart) this user belongs to a specific group of  SuperUser ( without having access to the configuration of Joomla and the various menus , components, modules , etc. .. Joomla ) .

2 . This user  accesses only a Virtuemart ( I set up various permits ) and this user can do everything except access the VM configuration.

3 . This user cannot create new  "Custom Fields" but only change them. Now my client needs to create new "Custom Fields".

4 .  I have tried to enable permit  "configuration" of the VM , but it's not possible because in Conflict and Not Permitted ( locked).

5 . The only way I can get him to create new "custom fields" is give permission for the Super Administrator ( accessing consequently throughout the whole Joomla) and even if I try to individually set the permissions at the group level (not to access the various menus , components, modules , etc ... ) does not work, he can still have access to everything.

How do I separate the user from the Joomla administrator from VM ?
What is the right profile permission for user that must manage only VM and not other joomla component?

To Someone happened to this problem? I must to give access to the whole site with the risk that the customer can create a problem?

Thanks, regards


The ACL is fully functional for the next version, VM 2.6. It is close to release, so give the latest test version a try (not on a live site, though).
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


thanks very much! At the moment I prefered create an another super user for my client...