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buy button showing for non-logged in shoppers

Started by MBAngel, February 06, 2014, 22:57:24 PM

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I upgraded from 2.0.22 to 2.0.26d in Joomla 2.5.7. 

I had it so ppl had to create an account or be logged in to click the buy button.  I went to go make sure that the shopper group for prices was set to default, not "allow all"...  I'm confused as to how I make it so they cannot buy without an account. 

The screens for this are really ugly and it's not a graceful process they way you have it built in, so I was trying to avoid editing all that by just flat out not offering a buy button.  It was working just fine until I did the upgrade, and now they can buy without being logged in.

I do want them to see the prices and info without being logged in tho, so setting the product to only be visible to default isn't the right option..  I did try this and ti removes the product from the site entirely unless you're logged in. 


This is the url to my site...

was it just some kind of bug that allowed me to not show the buy button to non members?

I didn't change anything baout the products, I just upgraded...  should I be able to hide the buy button but not the product itself from non mebers?


so, as I look around and try to find any setting that might work, I see that it's not showing a price for anonymous users, but the buy button shows...?  I have it set so they have to create an account on the way out. 

I can see how to add a price to show to anonymous users, but I don't see a way to make it unavailable to buy?  Any suggestions on how to set things up so that the price shows but not the buy button?