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show base price to all customers

Started by MJD1983, January 30, 2014, 23:55:43 PM

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I currently have Virtuemart 2.0.26 and Joomla 2.5.17.  Under configuration - pricing - I have all boxes checked which means it should show everything.  I have a setup on a certain product to have a Cost Price $90, Override $80, and the radial button Overwrite final checked.  When I'm not logged in as the admin I only see Sales Price $80 and discount -$10.  Very confusing to customers as it should be price $90-$10=$80.  When I log in as the admin it shows base price as $90, sales price as $80, and discount -$10.  This makes sense in math.  How do I show the base price to all customers?

Option 1 I'm looking for.   - Show base price to all so it makes sense.
Option 2. - Have the sale price be $90 so when it shows the -$10 as the discount then the math works.

I should also mention that when I add the product to the cart and view it then it shows the $90 crossed out, $10 discount, final total $80.  Why does it show it in the cart correctly, but not viewing the particular product.
Thanks for you help!


Are you using template overrides? eg a commercial template?  Test using Joomla's Beez template.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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